Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Writing Posters

Posters is a brief message in the form of images, in order to influence someone to be interested in something or affect that person's act.
Posters can be found in newspapers, magazines, or billboards in strategic places (highway intersection, terminals, train stations, markets, etc.)

Judging from the goal posters can be divided into three kinds, namely
a. Poster announcement contains notices to the public of an activity to be held so that people take part in accordance with the content of the announcement.

                                             image taken from:http://www.erlinkarlina.com

b. Poster appeal contains an invitation so that people do or avoid something.
                                                image taken from:http://blogs.swa-jkt.com

c. Poster advertising a particular product lists so that people interested in having and buy the products offered

                                                  image taken from:http://ekokusnur.com

Things that must be considered in preparing posters
a. use short sentences and clear
b. words straightforward, simple, easy to understand
c. sentence contains the right message
d. form letters used straightforward and large (can be read from any direction)

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