Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Finding the Main Problem Of Various News on the Same

Reading is one of the activities to get information. By reading we can obtain a variety of information, either in the form of (knowledge, lessons, and other information).
One of the techniques is to read extensively.
Extensive reading is a reading that is done in a way not so detailed.
In this case, reading activities aimed to obtain information that is essential highlights and not the things that are detailed. Through extensive reading, you can find a subject matter or thing at the main topic.

Here's how to determine similarities or differences in the text.
a. Read the news carefully
b. Identify the news headlines
c. Determine the outline of the contents of the news
4. Determine the similarities and differences in both the news

 Example :

Text 1
Deadly collision occurred in front of the market. Trucks from the east speeding or racing. .In Guess truck brakes do not work. The driver was forced to smash his truck with electric pole located on the edge of the road. Two people died over this incident. Truckers directly secured at the police station.

Text 2
Sunday October 7, 2010 deadly collision occurred in front of the police chief in Semarang. This event triggered the condition of the driver who was tired and sleepy, but the news circulated this collision occurred because the brakes do not work. The driver deliberately crashed the existing buildings on the roadside.

Differences text 1 and text 2 is ...............................

Text 1 did not inform when it happened

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