Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

The Novel

The novel is one of the works of prose fiction.
The characteristics of the novel include:
a. Written in a narrative style, sometimes in mixed descriptions to describe the atmosphere.
b. Be realistic, meaning an author response to the environmental situation.
c. The shape is longer, usually more than ten thousand words.
d. The plot is quite complex.
e. There is a change in the fate of the perpetrators.

The novel is built upon some intrinsic elements include: Flow, People and characterizations, Background, theme, point of view, and the Commission.

1. The theme is the subject matter to convey the author through his work.
2. The flow also called plot is a series of events are woven by the time sequence relationship or establish a causal relationship to the integrity of the story.
The flow based on its structure can be divided into:
* Flow advanced or progressive: the author presents the story from the beginning to the end of the story.
* The flow backwards or flashback: author can begin the story of the climax and then back to the beginning of the story towards the end of the story.
* The flow of mixture: the author tells the main character so much that the story is not finished, go back to the beginning to tell another character.
3. Characterizations is how the authors describe and develop character figures preformance story
4. Background or setting is the place, time, and atmosphere used in a story.

5. The point of view is the position of the author in bringing the story.
As for the viewpoint used in prose that is:
a. First-person perspective
This technique also known as a technique standpoint of "I" main .ciri this point of view is the use of the word "I", "me", or "I" to refer to the figure.
b. Third-person perspective.
This technique also known as engineering standpoint, "he", the author in this viewpoint is outside the story, the main characteristic of this perspective is the use of the word "he", or use the name.
6. The Commission is the final part of the message of the story is read.

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