Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015 0 komentar

Recount Text

Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.

Generic Structure of Recount
1. Orientation     : introducing the participants,place,and time
2. Events            :describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation :it is optional,stating personal comment of the writer to the story

Language Feature of Recount
* Introducing personal participant ; I,my group,etc
* Using chronological connection ; then,first,etc
* Using linking verb ; was,were,saw,heard,etc
* Using action verb ; look,go,change,etc
* Using simple past tense

Example :

     Last month,SMP 1 Pamotan had a friendly football match with SMP 1 Lasem.Since two week before the match,the boys of SMP 1 Pamotanteam had started practicing hard. "We must set a good strategy," said Dzaky,the team captain. "We must be a cohesive team"
     On the day of the contest,the team from SMP 1 Lasem arrived at SMP 1 Pamotan in a bus.Everyone was suprised to see that these boys were much taller and bigger than the boys of  SMP 1 Pamotan. "We'll surely lose," said Rasya,a member of SMP 1 Pamotan.We cannot give up so easily,said Dzaky. "Let us try our best," soon the contest began,which team do you think of the winner of the contest? it was SMP 1 Pamotan.It was to strong for the SMP 1 Lasem to defeat,Why was that so?SMP 1 Pamotan was very strategic and cohesive,but SMP 1 Lasem was not
     "SMP 1 Pamotan team was so happy," their hardwork was paid
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Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a text that describes of something (person,place,animal,and thing)
Purpose of the text : To describe of something in particular
Generic Structure :
a. Identification (at the beginning of the paragraph that the contents of the things that will be described)
b. Decription  (gives an idea of something that is related to the physical characteristics, traits, habits, excess, and others)

Example : 

     Hello Friend.I would like to introduce my friend.He is Dzaky Faith Fadhilah,but I'am call him Dzaky,He lives at street youth number 12 Rembang.He is 14 years old.He studies ar SMP 1 Pamotan.
     Dzaky is handsome boy.He is 150 cm tall and he is 40 kilos.He has oval face with pointed nose.He has small eyes.He hair is short and straight.He has white and soft skin.He is also a kindly friend,when his friend have difficulty,he solves the problem.His hobby is singing.His favorite singer is Justin Bieber
Rabu, 18 Februari 2015 0 komentar

Narrative Text

Narrative Text is a text to amuse or entertain the reader. It can be imaginative or based on facts.

A narrative text consists of the following structure :
1. Orientation       : Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place

2. Complication   : Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with

3. Resolution        :Showing the way of participant to solve the crises,better or worse

There are several kinds of narratives,for example

 * Folkrore             =>Sangkuriang,Malin Kundang,The History of Jambi Kingdom,etc
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The Letter

The letter you just read is a friendly letter.It is a letter you write to someone you know.A friendly letter has five parts.They are the heading,greeting,body,closing,and signature.

1. Heading
    This is your address,it lets your addressee know where to send a letter in response.
    a. Located in the upper right-hand corner
    b. Do NOT include your name
    c. Street or PO Box is on the top line
    d. City state and Zip code are on the second line
    e. Indent 3-inchs for each line.Use a tab key
    f. Skip a line between the address and date
    g. Skip 2 lines and then begin salutation

2. Greeting (Salutation)
    This is the greeting of the letter where you say hello
    a. Left align taxt
    b. Capitalize first word or a salutation ;Dear Friend,
    c. Capitalize names ;Dear Viovi,Dear Elsa,Dear Intan
    d. Use comma afterthe salutation
    e. Skip 2 lines and begin body paragraph

3. Body
    This is you message,Use complete sentence,correct grammar,and correct punctation.Only include information that will interest your reader.
   a, Left align paragraphs
   b. Indent paragraphs
   c. Do NOT skip lines between paragraphs
   The first paragraph:
a. Inquire about the reader's well being
  => How have you been?Or how was your trip to____________?
b. Explaine the reason for writing
Additional Paragraphs
a. Share your news that will interest the reader
b. And with a warm statement;
   =>I hope to see you soon
   =>I wish you luck with____________
   =>I will see you on_______________
c. Skip a line before beginning the closing

4. Closing
    Say good-bye to you friend
a. Capitalize the first word only,Very truly yours,Your Friend,Love

5. Signature
a. Sign your name on the line below the closing
Kamis, 12 Februari 2015 0 komentar

Writing Posters

Posters is a brief message in the form of images, in order to influence someone to be interested in something or affect that person's act.
Posters can be found in newspapers, magazines, or billboards in strategic places (highway intersection, terminals, train stations, markets, etc.)

Judging from the goal posters can be divided into three kinds, namely
a. Poster announcement contains notices to the public of an activity to be held so that people take part in accordance with the content of the announcement.

                                             image taken from:

b. Poster appeal contains an invitation so that people do or avoid something.
                                                image taken from:

c. Poster advertising a particular product lists so that people interested in having and buy the products offered

                                                  image taken from:

Things that must be considered in preparing posters
a. use short sentences and clear
b. words straightforward, simple, easy to understand
c. sentence contains the right message
d. form letters used straightforward and large (can be read from any direction)
Jumat, 06 Februari 2015 0 komentar

Recognizing the Common Traits of Poetry From Poetry Anthology

Poetry is one of the literary works that have certain characteristics.To identify the characteristics of a poem, read the following examples are taken from the anthology of poetry.Poetry anthology is a collection of poems of one's choice or multiple authors.Excess reads poetry anthology is the reader can find some excellent poems from various authors.


              Flowers Reed

Reed flowers
In the dry cliffs menggelombang
Usher whispered in the pine shakes
Road trails you walk alone
When pepohon resin
Catch up with the morning star

After typhoon
Grease orange
And a thousand bats
Hanging on the peak randu
Under bungur
Miss you picked flowers

While cloud
Sweep-sweep flamboyant
Dry set off
With legs hastily
In the wind
That blows pollen

 After listening to the poem, can be determined traits following poem
a. Rima
    Rima is a pattern of rhyme or rime on lines in a poem, according to its location divided into rhyme beginning, middle and end
b. Choice of words
    words are paired with certain words that give rise to a more appropriate atmosphere
c. The meaning of the word
    the meaning of the word in the poem is divided into two, denotation and connotation
Selasa, 03 Februari 2015 0 komentar

Writing Free Verse with Regard Elements of Poetry

Poetry is a form of literature which consists of stanzas and lines.
Line and stanza consists of the wording of the beautiful and dense, the word is selected according to the situation and condition of the contents of poetry.
Unlike the old poetry bound by the rules, new poetry more freely.
Free poetry is poetry that is not bound by certain rules, either in line, stanza, and choice of words.

Steps to write free verse
1. Decide on a theme
2. Write down line by line and verse after verse with the right choice of words to create a poem
3. Correction back between the precision of diction with meaning
4. compact enough words in the poem without diminishing

                            My teacher

Beautiful morning buzzing wind on my face
Cold enveloped step sincerity
Meditations only for a glory
Thinking only for a success

Said nothing as beautiful as you say pronunciation
There is no antidote beautiful as your smile
No day without a devotion
Sowing the seeds of love without feeling tired

Day by day so fleeting
There is no boredom in your face radiated
Passion continued to flare
Give love no boredom

If you are going to walk away
I know your ways sacrificial
If you have not you're always remembered
You are a hero without a badge
Kamis, 29 Januari 2015 0 komentar

Finding the Main Problem Of Various News on the Same

Reading is one of the activities to get information. By reading we can obtain a variety of information, either in the form of (knowledge, lessons, and other information).
One of the techniques is to read extensively.
Extensive reading is a reading that is done in a way not so detailed.
In this case, reading activities aimed to obtain information that is essential highlights and not the things that are detailed. Through extensive reading, you can find a subject matter or thing at the main topic.

Here's how to determine similarities or differences in the text.
a. Read the news carefully
b. Identify the news headlines
c. Determine the outline of the contents of the news
4. Determine the similarities and differences in both the news

 Example :

Text 1
Deadly collision occurred in front of the market. Trucks from the east speeding or racing. .In Guess truck brakes do not work. The driver was forced to smash his truck with electric pole located on the edge of the road. Two people died over this incident. Truckers directly secured at the police station.

Text 2
Sunday October 7, 2010 deadly collision occurred in front of the police chief in Semarang. This event triggered the condition of the driver who was tired and sleepy, but the news circulated this collision occurred because the brakes do not work. The driver deliberately crashed the existing buildings on the roadside.

Differences text 1 and text 2 is ...............................

Text 1 did not inform when it happened
Kamis, 22 Januari 2015 0 komentar

Short Message,Invitation and Announcement

A. Short Message
     "SMS" Short Message Service
     Purpose : To give information to someone quickly

     Types of sentences :
     a. Imperative sentence 
         example : Make me a letter,please !
                        Bring my book back ! 
     b. Interrogative sentence :
         example : How are you ?
                        Are you free ?
     c. Prohibition sentence :
         example : Don't call me again !
                        Don't sent me a SMS,please !
     d. Information sentence :
         example : Today school is free.
                         I'am at home now

Example of Short Message

         To : Viovi
         Hi Viovi?Are you free tonight?if you a free,I want to ask to watch movie in the cinema tonight at 7 PM,please replay soon!

                                                                                                                   Your Friend


B. Invitation
    Purpose : To invite someone to attend the event.
    Element invitation : The name of receiver
                                 The name of sender
                                 The name the event
                                 The place the event
                                 The time (o'clock,day,date,month,year)

Example of Invitation

            To : All student

            I would like to invite you attend our school Maulid Nabi Commemoration 

Day     : Monday

Date    : January 12,2015
Time    : 9 AM
Place   : In the hall school

            Hopely by Maulid Nabi Commemoration,we will be better people.

C. Announcement
     Purpose : To announce information to the reader
     Element Announcement :  To whom
                                            To writer

Example Announcement

     To : All student

            Due to tomorrow Monday,Januari 12,2015 our school be hold Maulid Nabi Commemoration,So all student much participate please wear muslim dress,bring snack,and ten student each one carry a mat.

                                                                                                                     Osis Chairman.

                                                                                                                   Elsa Ervina Safitri

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015 0 komentar

Active and Passive Sentence

Active sentence is a sentence that is the verb form of the verb is active.
Active sentence is a sentence that is the subject doing the job.
example: wear, adhere to, buy, prohibit, fell on, conduct, and others.

Passive sentence is a sentence that is the verb form of passive verbs.
Passive sentence is a sentence that is the subject subjected to the job.
example: worn, obeyed, buy, prohibited, was, done, and others.

 Define the following sentence is active or passive sentences!

1. The house was repaired by his son (...........)
2. The book I read yesterday (...........)
3. Dad invited guests at the home office (...........)
4. Elsa read a poem for Intan (...........)
5. The letter was written yesterday (..........)

1. Passive
2. Passive
3. Active
4. Active
5 Passive
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The Novel

The novel is one of the works of prose fiction.
The characteristics of the novel include:
a. Written in a narrative style, sometimes in mixed descriptions to describe the atmosphere.
b. Be realistic, meaning an author response to the environmental situation.
c. The shape is longer, usually more than ten thousand words.
d. The plot is quite complex.
e. There is a change in the fate of the perpetrators.

The novel is built upon some intrinsic elements include: Flow, People and characterizations, Background, theme, point of view, and the Commission.

1. The theme is the subject matter to convey the author through his work.
2. The flow also called plot is a series of events are woven by the time sequence relationship or establish a causal relationship to the integrity of the story.
The flow based on its structure can be divided into:
* Flow advanced or progressive: the author presents the story from the beginning to the end of the story.
* The flow backwards or flashback: author can begin the story of the climax and then back to the beginning of the story towards the end of the story.
* The flow of mixture: the author tells the main character so much that the story is not finished, go back to the beginning to tell another character.
3. Characterizations is how the authors describe and develop character figures preformance story
4. Background or setting is the place, time, and atmosphere used in a story.

5. The point of view is the position of the author in bringing the story.
As for the viewpoint used in prose that is:
a. First-person perspective
This technique also known as a technique standpoint of "I" main .ciri this point of view is the use of the word "I", "me", or "I" to refer to the figure.
b. Third-person perspective.
This technique also known as engineering standpoint, "he", the author in this viewpoint is outside the story, the main characteristic of this perspective is the use of the word "he", or use the name.
6. The Commission is the final part of the message of the story is read.
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Discussion is a conversation between two people or more who aims to find an agreement in solving a problem.
Each participants can express their opinions in solving the problem, in this way the solution is expected to be better.
=> The three key elements is the requirement implementation of a discussion:
1. The existence of participants
2. The issues discussed
3. The existence of discussion purposes
=> Discussion will go smoothly if:
a. Participants know the purpose of the discussion
b. Participants know the issues discussed
c. Participants respect discussion leader
d. Discussion leader able to lead a discussion with the fair

In the implementation of the discussion, each participant is given the opportunity to express their opinions.

One form of such opinion in the form of approval,
refutation,and suggestions.
Approval means the response of support for something, in conveying approval, you must use polite language and do not denounce other people's opinions.
=> Here is a good example of approval:
1. In my opinion, you are very right suggestion, I agree with the suggestion!
2. If it is in good view, I agreed.
3. Well, I agree and consent

 One other form of response is denial of opinion, Rejection opinion because participants had another opinion which was regarded better, Rejection must be in accordance with the opinion of the issues discussed, but it is also accompanied by obvious reasons and not to offend others.
=> Here is an example of express refusal good opinion:
a. I do not agree with your opinion, because in my opinion, the problem must be in the review of the positive and negative impacts, we do not just look on the bright side
Selasa, 20 Januari 2015 0 komentar

The News

News is reporting on an event or events that the latest (actual).
Through listening to the news you will get a variety of up to date information on a matter.
A news has the following characteristics.
The first
The actual meaning of the event has just occurred.
The second
Information conveyed important and interesting.
The third
The news on show to the public (public).
The fourth
Using language effectively, clear, concise, unambiguous (ambiguous).
To be able to understand the content of the information contained in the news, you can use the formula 5W + 1H
a. What: what events in the news?
b. Who: Who is involved in the incident?
c. When: when the incident happened?
d. Where: where it happened?
e. Rev: why did it happen?
f. How: how events that could happen?

 Example :
                                                    Zaskia Mecca So Internet Millionaire

      Internet can make a person could hold the world in his hands.That's roughly expression catapult by a female artist in Indonesia and the Muslim fashion businessman named (Meccanism), Zaskia Adya Mecca, when met at Okezone.
      Zaskia admitted, that the Internet has a big hand in achieving the success it is today, especially in business.According to him, promising online business benefits faster and greater.
      The woman tells about the business that has been on the rise and during those two years.When first established her business, according to the beautiful hijabers, he cashed Rp 35 million.Then after 6 months in onlne wrestle, she finally dared to invest approximately USD 300 million due to see the opportunities promised benefits in it.
      Although no mention a few dollars that he is able to produce in one month, the wife of Hanung Bramantyo pleaded no longer as busy as used in the care of her online boutique.Zaskia remains confident, even if only at home, he still can do many things with the Internet, such as work, business, build relationships, to make money.


1. What's in the news?
2. When Zaskia build an online business?
3. Why is the Internet can make a person could hold the world?
4. How Zaskia beginning an online business?
5. Who Zaskia husband?
6. Where can Zaskia across various things with the Internet?

Answer : 

1. Journey Zaskia Mecca wrestle her online boutique
2. 2 years ago
3. Because the internet has a big hand in the achievement of success, especially in business, online business it promises advantages of faster and bigger.
4. Initially Zaskia capital only 35 Million to process the shop
5. Hanung Bramantyo
6. At home

Some things to consider in listening to the news on the radio or television:
1. Concentrate
2. Understand the basic message of each sentence
3. If necessary, make a small note
4. conclude and extract the entire contents of the news
Jumat, 16 Januari 2015 0 komentar

Thank You Blogger

I am very grateful to google especially bloggers who have given me the opportunity to learn to create a blog for free
with bloggers hopefully I can maximally utilized to success in the virtual world and the real world
once again thank you very much for bloggers